

Nourish and Nibbs makes healthy nourishing whole foods plant-based snacks in Malaysia. Our goal is to provide simple, authentic and real healthy snacks on the go with no B.S. (Bad Stuffs… No Nasties). Safe to consume with full disclosure on ingredients. In fact, our snacks are plant-exclusive, no animal derived ingredients at all. 

All Nourish and Nibbs healthy snacks are:

  • Meat-free
  • Egg-free
  • Non-dairy
  • Refined sugar-free
  • Preservative-free
  • Non-MSG
  • Peanut-Free
  • Little to Salt Free (Check ingredient list)
  • Little to No Oil (Check ingredient list)
  • Little to Gluten-free (Check ingredient list)
  • Little to Wheat free (Check ingredient list)

All-natural, Whole Foods Plant-Exclusive (Because of arguable doubts by some that plant-based is not necessarily “exclusive” or entirely animal free, but Nourish and Nibbs assures you that our products are 101 percent firm, even up to ZERO food additives that may contain animal derived stuffs.)

We promote Healthy Lifestyle Habits and we aim to make it easier for you to snack right, eat well and be healthy. It’s not about the diet, we are not into fads or trends, and we believe in making an impact by transforming people’s health to become healthier and happier through long term healthy lifestyle habits. 

Food provides the nourishment you need to live your best and a happy cheerful life. We are here to support those who are exploring whole foods plant-based eating, making changes to their taste buds and ditching the B.S (Bad stuffs) to restore health, including those already seasoned or lifetime vegans or plant based veterans. Very often, most people who are new in this journey share that snacks are one of the challenging searches especially when it comes to being conscious with the ingredients on the food packaging. Nourish and Nibbs does all the screening for ingredients used before using anything when making our snacks so it becomes easier for you to choose your snacking products with nutrients preserved naturally.  

No matter the reason for exploring a whole foods plant-based lifestyle, everyone shares one common challenge which is “lifestyle change” is difficult. Whole food plant-based snacking requires extra time and effort to prepare and make, learning new recipes, and overcoming salt, cheese, dairy, sugar and oil cravings. We hear you, and here we are, making it easier to snack right and eat well for everyone.

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